Wrigley Wroundup

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day for the Kindergartner

Waiting for kindergarten orientation to start

Today was Kyle's first day of kindergarten. There was a brief orientation at 9am (1hr later than the normal school start time of 8am). The Principal gave a short talk to all the kids telling them to give their parents a hug and a kiss and tell them that everything was going to be OK. Then she assigned kids to their classrooms (there are three kindergarten classes) and sent them on their way.

The parents (Tami) stayed behind to fill out more paperwork and learn where to drop the kids off on all future school days.

Kyle is in room 10 and his teacher is Mrs. Hernandez.
After Tami picked him up from school, she asked Kyle what he thought of his teacher and he said "She's AMAZING!"

When I got home I asked him how his first day of school was and he said "It was great!" He said they sang songs, read stories, and they even have a Lego train set with tracks and everything. He seemed very excited (and he LOVES Legos).

He also picked his clothes for the day - he wanted to wear his 'skeleton' t-shirt. So this evening I asked him if any of the kids at school liked his shirt. He said "Nobody said anything about my shirt, but I think they liked it in their minds."


  • VERY Cool! Better than my first day(as Aunty tells it). I start Tax Prep class next Tue. but Lynda isn't evening going to go with me! :o(

    By Blogger DADO, At September 4, 2008 5:39 AM  

  • Hope you don't run all the way home...AGAIN...Kenny. What are you going to wear your first day?

    Yes, very cool, Kyle. Sounds like Legos won him over (clever Mrs. Hernandez). "I think they liked it in their minds" great quote!

    By Blogger FAN, At September 4, 2008 7:23 AM  

  • I love the mural! And with boys...they probably wont ever mention liking his clothes...they'll just keep it in their minds! lol. I still ask Melissa that every day...and she says "YES! So many people liked my outfit!" But....she's a girl...they're supposed to say that! Awesome pics. So grown up! :) Super Ky.

    By Blogger Lilwrig, At September 4, 2008 10:21 AM  

  • Home is pretty much all UP Hill! So running is not likely. :o)

    Class is three hours and over around 9pm so that put me back in sweat pants and top. Maybe I will wear the souvenier zip top I got for Lynda from the Long Beach Aquarium.

    By Blogger DADO, At September 4, 2008 2:35 PM  

  • Oh Congratulations!!! What an exciting time for our 5-year-olds! I can't believe they're already in kindergarten but it sounds like they're both definitely enjoying it and having fun! Can't wait to hear more about it...Kyle's such a funny little guy! I love it!

    By Anonymous Eden, At September 4, 2008 2:43 PM  

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