Wrigley Wroundup

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Babe loses her virginity

To quote (and modify) a Garth Brooks song:

“Well, it was bound to happen, and one day it did.
Daddy came home and started playing like a kid…”

The Babe got ‘grounded’ Thursday. In this case, ‘grounded’ means stuck over a foot deep in mud!

I decided it was time to take the UTV off road where it belonged. Fortunately, it wasn’t too ‘off road’. I took her off our driveway via what was referred to as the Bermuda Triangle last year to ‘cruise’ on what soon will be the location of our new home. The short trip there was fine, but getting out did not work so well. Climbing up the slope towards where our power/telephone telephone pedestal is located, I sunk in to the mud. I did not think of taking any pictures directly after the ‘incident’ or during the removal process, so all you get is the forensic study after the fact.

Removal (the following day) could have been MUCH worse. Using our truck, a 25’ tow strap and the 50’ UTV winch cable, we were able to pull the vehicle out with out pulling the truck in to the mess. At one point Babe looked like it might be tipping over on its side and early in the process the truck (in park with the brake on) was sliding towards the Babe.

However, with me at the wheel of the truck and Lynda operating the winch (and the removal of one big rock with a crowbar and shovel) Mother Nature finally gave the Babe back and she came home.

I guess I will wait until it drys out a bit more before trying that




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